Fort Lauderdale WordPress Expert

South Florida Web Design Expert

Fort Lauderdale Web Designer

About WPRandy

Pompano Beach WordPress Expert Randy Microsoft Engineer

My daughter Logan, and I in 2001

WPRandy means, WordPress Randy!  I love WordPress, and so does Google!

Randy is freaking amazing! His technical knowledge and know how have helped me on so many different occasions. I love how passionate he is about cool technology and how he shares that passion with others who don’t quite get it (meaning me).P.S. Thanks Randy for always going the extra mile to help and for your patience in helping create something that is an expression of my work!

Brenda Lee Blackburn

Light Fighter

With 30 years of professional web design experience, I can provide you with a great looking website, a terrific SEO rating, and mobile friendly.


I understand what it is like being a business owner.

I purchased a small Hand Car Wash in Arizona after I left the U.S. Army as a Combat Engineer (Light) SAPPER. I operated that company for 4 years, then sold it, and began my web design career.

We started our Web Design Business in 1994

My childhood friend and I started our web design firm in Southern California, at that time, it was done by “hand coding” using the “HotDog” editor. This was before any front-end editor existed. In 97′ Microsoft, began touting the benefits of being a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer and Professional, so I jumped on the bandwagon and at the same time started using MS PageMaker.

All during this time, I was banging on business doors telling them that the internet was going to change everything, and they needed a website. I remember telling the local newspaper that they would eventually not even have to print their daily paper, they said it would never happen, and to get out!

After many years of using the Microsoft IIS Server platform, I moved on to Dream Weaver and really got into Joomla CMS, and PHP. For 8 years I concentrated on Joomla with both Microsoft and Linux servers. When my friend passed away, I took over ownership and am still going to this day here in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

WordPress became so popular, and I saw that there was a need to offer services to support the huge market it was creating. So in 2014, I delved into WordPress, and have enjoyed it thoroughly.

I now specialize in WordPress and WooCommerce, using 3 hosting platforms:

  • Microsoft Servers
  • AWS Amazon Web Services
  • Linux Servers

My philosophy

Let’s grow your business  together


When I’m not above the sea developing websites for businesses, I’m either on the water or under it!

I live and work in “Beautiful Pompano Beach, Florida”!

ARMY Veteran WordPress Designer
Irreverent Warrior Randy

The MISSION of Irreverent Warriors is to bring veterans together using humor and camaraderie to improve mental health and prevent veteran suicide.